Accreditation process

In June 2014 EBAP and the ERS officially launched the accreditation of training centres in adult respiratory medicine. This voluntary accreditation process is open to all Adult European Training Centres composed of either a single participating training centre or alternatively of a number of training sites.

Hermes Initiative

The training centre accreditation is a development phase of the Adult HERMES (Harmonised Education in Respiratory Medicine for European Specialists) initiated by the ERS (European Respiratory Society) in 2005. This phase recommends criteria to become a European accredited training centre and part of the training network. Criteria outlined within the Criteria for accreditation of European training centre in adult respiratory medicine document may be met by a number of participating training centres forming a training centre network.

Accreditation process

The accreditation process is based on criteria as defined in the Criteria for accreditation of European training centre in adult respiratory medicine document.

The training standards are divided into:

Criteria level  
Basic standard (BS) All basic standards must be met
Standard for quality development (QD) Standards for quality development do not impact accreditation.
These standards are highly recommended

Only centres complying with all basic standards will be granted accreditation.

A report including areas for improvement based on standards for quality development will be provided at the end of each step.

The review process is two-fold:

Step 1 Qualification: Preliminary assessment of the training centre based on information provided in the application form. All basic standards must be met in order to qualify for step 2 – site visit.
Step 2 Site visit: If the centre complies with all basic standards set in the Criteria for accreditation of European training centre in adult respiratory medicine document, a team of reviewers will perform a site visit.
The site visit will include a visual inspection of the facility as well as interviews with the Training Programme Director, Clinical and Educational Supervisors, Faculty members involved in the training programme as well as trainees. Expect the site visit to last 1.5 to 2 days.

Training Centre Application

An application form must be completed and signed by the Training Programme Director. The application form can be requested by completing a statement of interest.

Statement of interest