Accreditation process and guidelines


We strongly suggest that you plan for the accreditation process of your CME programmes very early on, so that you may start gathering the required documents for the accreditation process.

The recommended deadline for submitting an application is 18 weeks prior to the LEE start date. Requests received after 14 weeks prior to the live event date will no longer be accepted.

You can expect a response to your request within the following timeframe:

 Live Educational Events: 18 weeks. Please note that LEEs will be accredited only if they follow both UEMS and EBAP accreditation criteria.

 Printed material, e-learning, assessments: 8-10 weeks

 Training Centre Accreditation: The whole accreditation process can take up to 12 months.


The following fees will be charged for processing activities. 



Register as a CME Provider

It is first necessary to register as a CME provider to be able to apply for event or educational product's accreditation. This only needs to be done once.

To register as a new provider, please complete the following online form. Once you have registered as a CME Provider, you will still need to apply for each event or educational products you wish to have accredited. Each application will be assessed separately.