Future Accredited Activities

If you wish to gain CME credits by attending EBAP-accredited live events, by e-learning or by reading CME articles, the following pages will provide you with a list of the upcoming EBAP-accredited events and EBAP-accredited articles.

14th PVRI Annual World Congress on PVD

  • Date of activity: 29 January, 2020 - 02 February, 2020
  • Provider: Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute
  • Venue: Lima, Peru
  • This will be the 14th PVRI Annual world congress.  It will bring together global experts in the field of pulmonary hypertension, providing a rich environment for education and debate surrounding basic, translational and clinical science in this field. There is a particular focus in bringing trainees from the developing world as well as the developed world to this meeting.