Future Accredited Activities

If you wish to gain CME credits by attending EBAP-accredited live events, by e-learning or by reading CME articles, the following pages will provide you with a list of the upcoming EBAP-accredited events and EBAP-accredited articles.

6th International Workshop on Lung Health. New Approaches to respiratory diseases

6th International Workshop on Lung Health. New Approaches to respiratory diseases

  • Date of activity: 17 January, 2019 - 19 January, 2019
  • Provider: Publi Créations PC
  • Venue: Nice, France
  • The 6th International Workskhop on Lung Health is an international meeting devoted to the last updated in Respiratory Medicine. The "theme" of the sixth edition is  "New approaches to respiratory diseases" so to embrace a whole series of pathologies, even some minor ones, of interest for the audience as emerged from the post congress web-survey submitted to the participants to the last editions.  Asthma and COPD will remain central within the programme with incursions in minor pathologies like Pulmonary Hypertension, Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis and a session dedicated to Respiratory Infections. The congress programme is completed with debates and cases discussion, in order to involve the 400 - 500 expected participants in an interactive meeting.